worldwide star

the world is my playground

Make it your way May 5, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — visnar @ 14:22

This is exactly my way…

my way


Introduction to networking September 22, 2012

Filed under: Generally,motivation — visnar @ 21:27

In July I was invited to join project CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools). Leading partner is British Council and beside partner CEED Slovenia is project going on in 7 other EU countries. Because one of three schools that joined project is my high school (SLŠ Škofja Loka), plus theme of the program is very close to me, I immediately decided to join.

Last week we had presentation of program in front of students. They told us that 30 will come, instead of that at least 150 came! Must admit, that I was little nervous, cause I’m not jet used to speak in front of such audience 😀 Our goal was to convince at least 20 to join program. 24 of them signed. Yes yes yes, we did great job! 🙂

Module that I will present to students is “social networking” and “my idea has friends”. Because I will speak more about experiences and theory on November, I decided to do my introduction more attractive 🙂

I knew already before that most of students will be guys, so as an idea how to make a good networking I told them that in business life everything work very similar that in private life 😀

> meet right people. You need to go to the club where are girls you wanna catch.

> don’t think, just go. When you see the right one, go to her and start conversation.

> take tips. Listen to your friends or read books, no need to learn from your own mistakes.

> be honest. Your heart need to speak, not your upper or lower brain, otherwise it will be just run on short track.

> gain trust. When you gain her trust, she is yours, now you can decide how you wanna continue.

And for the end: connect and cooperate: also if you don’t wanna go home with her, you could become friends, share your network, ideas, do business…

We newer know why we met someone. Remember: everything happen for a reason! 🙂


Bon Voyage August 7, 2012

Filed under: Generally,Travelling — visnar @ 13:58

I will always remember my first longer journey, first flight, first escape out of Europe… Canada & USA from 2004 is still one of best journeys I had!!!

I’ve never liked making too much planing, cause I knew that on the way so many things can happen, and I will always grab best opportunities! Friends says that I have luck, I say that everything happen with reason 😉 And through all years I saw that is best so, to have open plan and go with the flow 😉

Now I’m for the first time going to Asia, backpacking, taking really relaxing vocations.
India for two weeks – Bangalore for the start, New Delhi for the end, but no plans between. Lets see how it will be :)) already now I know I will have fun all the time!!

And for the end of my journey Dubai for a week. Haven’t been down there for two years, loooooong, tooooo looooong time, comparing how much time I spent there between 2007 and 2010.

Bon voyage!



Faith July 29, 2012

Filed under: Generally,motivation — visnar @ 21:48

Few months ago I saw trailer of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and was searching on the web for a good link for a while. I found it and that weekend I took time to watch it.

Amazing story, which talk about FAITH.
I linked it also with my life, personal & business. I always had many stories/ideas, but in only these that I really believe, they are still alive.

Do everything that your dreams will come true. Have a vision! Don’t worry, also if on the end maybe you will not make it, try again, you know you can do it, have FAITH.

It is all happening with certain reason and of course for your benefit. There is important way, not goal. But way and goal are the same thing – searching of truth, game of destiny and experiencing of happiness.

We all have FAITH.
Everything we do, we do with FAITH, that on the end we will achieve something.
Like a man fishing for 10 hours… he believe that he will catch a fish!! 😉

If at one point you will not know what to do… when time comes, you will know!!


chi July 19, 2012

Filed under: Generally — visnar @ 07:43

Yesterday friend sent me a link and I’ve just read Shana Flogie’s article with predictions for July. She is leader of MyChi, center for a body, soul and a spirit.

I heard about influence of moon already in March. It is a year of transformation and in March time my first happened 🙂 Interesting, most of things from the article really happened in last few months :))

Also thanks to one very special person my level of consciousness raised and I started to realize myself and everything around me completely differently… from new angle of view.

I found out that history due to all kinds of relations was repeated all the time. So I’ve handed over to interrupting of repetitive patterns. And inside me evoked also a wish for looking per old themes from new angle.

I’m taking space for myself. Women need time, says Shana.
After meetings sometimes I go to the lake, swim to the island. I go running in the evening. Go to the cinema. Open a bottle of wine, sit on balcony and enjoy in sunset….. of course I would love to share all these moments with a special person, but at the moment I’m enjoying on my own.

Now is a time for observations. I’m not judging, things around me, situations, people, I’m not adjudicating is it right or wrong… only observing 😉

Don’t make any big decisions till August, says Shana, not even signing contracts, or deciding where to move, making new starts, work on new projects…. Function wisely, think about important steps which you want to make, but don’t start yet… Take your time and space and wait till autumn, when right energy will be on your side 😉

Its good only 3 weeks left, and after I’m off for 3 weeks, traveling to India and UAE. I already decided before to make few new steps in September and October 🙂 


No Arms, No Legs, No Worries! April 30, 2010

Filed under: Generally,motivation — visnar @ 21:42

Nick Vujicic‘s life demonstrates that all things are possible:


Slovenian language is great April 13, 2010

Filed under: Generally — visnar @ 09:45

Learn something new!
Who would understand us? If we don’t understand ourself !!!  😀

Knjižno slovensko:
1. Danes sem si kavo preveč sladkala.
2. Zakaj me kličeš, ko se sprehajam s psom?
3. Si videl, kako se maček sprehaja po strehi?
4. Včeraj se je en starejši gospod vrgel s strehe.

1. Today I’ve put too much sugar in my coffee.
2. Why are you calling me when I’m taking a walk with a dog?
3. Did you saw how is a cat walking on a roof?
4. One older mister was thrown from roof yesterday.



The Story of Charity: Water March 18, 2010

Filed under: Generally,motivation — visnar @ 12:03

charity: water

This is a beautiful ad because it doesn’t come across as an ad.

The story told is Charity: Water’s story. Every company cannot tell their story in this manner but every company has to tell their story through strong and consistent branding. If you watch the ad you’ll see that in the story their website, photographs and ad campaigns were mentioned. This is because all those things made their story which is essentially their brand, a story they could now compile into one 4 minute video to once again benefit their cause. (more…)


I came back February 16, 2010

Filed under: Sport,Travelling — visnar @ 08:22

Those that know me will start laughing, cause they know that on my travels always something happen to me 😀

In Friday my parents transport to Munich was canceled, so I arrange that in Sunday they went there with their car and left it on the airport parking. I should take it in Monday and move it to my friend’s place who life 10 km far in Freising.

I went on the way to Munich with my neighbor and on half of the way … damn … I remember that I forgot car keys at home 😀 Its good I’m used to have problems on my trips. Each problem has a solution, like this! Few calls and problem was solved (of course fully next day). I spent night in Freising, next day went to the airport and met there for a coffee with my cousin Gaja, who went for three months to NY.

Problem was solved thanks to my great friends Damjana, Tomaž & Anže 🙂 Thanks a lot again!!!

And now sweetest part of my trip! I am already in CAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAA 🙂 (more…)


Kopy’s hot hand February 2, 2010

Filed under: Generally,Sport — visnar @ 22:37

I just can’t stop watching Kopy’s last masterpiece!!! 🙂

click on photo to watch video